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Working Together: The Archives

Fair and Affordable Housing Remains an Obstacle for Minnesotans

The National Low Income Housing Coalition’s (NLICH) annual 2020 Out of Reach report ( demonstrates again, the significant need for fair, affordable, and high quality housing throughout the United States, including in Minnesota. Although ranked as the 22nd most expensive state in the nation for housing, Minnesota remains 2nd only to Illinois as the most expensive state for housing in the 12-state Midwest region.

To afford a modest one-bedroom rental home at Fair Market Rent, a minimum wage employee must work a total of 65 hours per week. Renting a two-bedroom home at that same wage would require a total of 82 hours weekly for a minimum wage worker. Or, by comparison, a wage of $20.53 per hour for a full-time employee working 40 hours per week.

If you or someone you know is in need of housing assistance, please visit the Minnesota Housing website at Help with rent, mortgage or utilities is available for those directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the deadline for applications is this coming Monday, December 7, 2020, and 11:59 pm CT. For more information, eligibility questions and how to apply, please refer to the COVID-19 Housing Assistance Webpage ( You can also call 651-291-0211 (Toll Free at 800-543-7709) or text “MNRENT” or “MNHOME” to 898-211.

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  • Children Enrolled in Head Start & Early Head Start


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