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Working Together: The Archives

Recently Passed Bill Targets Mental Health and School Safety

With congress recently passing a lot of large, complex legislation, it’s hard to sort out how funds will be allocated, where the funds will go, and how these funds will affect our communities.

These past few days, announcements from the US Department of Education and the Biden Administration give us a clearer picture of how the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act could make positive impacts in the realms of mental health and school safety across the country and here in Minnesota.

On Monday, the Biden White House announced that more than $300 million in new mental heath funding for health professionals serving both in schools and in emergency departments. By bolstering staffing for mental health professionals in schools across the country, these fund allocations are aimed at focusing on the mental health of students and creating a safer learning environments. The funds will not only increase staffing over five-years, but $143 million will be allocated toward building “a pipeline” for mental health professionals to the schools that are most in need.

Additionally, the US Department of Education issued a press release on $1billion in new spending, which hopes to “provide all students with safe and supportive learning opportunities and environments that are critical for their success.” Funds will go out to 56 US states and territories, with Minnesota to receive $10.4 million in new funding. The USDE, in their press release, used a program from Saint Paul Public Schools as an example for how these funds might be used:

“For example, funds could support the kind of work underway in Saint Paul Public Schools in Minnesota where they are spending almost $13 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds to support the mental health and wellness of students and staff. This approach includes: hiring 32 additional counselors, social workers, and psychologists; partnering with community organizations to offer mental health support for students; training staff on how to handle trauma; and creating calming spaces for staff and students."

At Community Action, we understand that education, health, and well-being are integral for people of all economic means, but especially important issues for people living with low-incomes. Please visit out dedicated webpages for our Head Start program and our Health and Well-Being pages to learn more about our commitment to these issues.

Our Impact in 2023

  • Households Received Energy Assistance


  • Children Enrolled in Head Start & Early Head Start


  • Households Prevented from Losing their Homes


  • Active Volunteers


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