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Deadline Approaches for Project Restore MN's Project Empowerment Academy

Project Restore MN is seeking additional participants for its upcoming Project Empowerment Academy. Project Restore MN, is a “youth founded and youth-led private-non-profit social enterprise whose mission is providing various services to African Descendants of Slavery (ADOS) organizations, communities, and youth across Minnesota.”

The Project Empowerment Academy (PEA), is a comprehensive 16-week paid-training initiative (divided into two 8-week sessions) designed to foster personal and professional development of ADOS young adults in Ramsey County, between the ages of 18 to 24. 

The first phase of the PEA curriculum, which focuses on personal development, includes: an ADOS history course, mental health support and trauma healing circles, a mentorship program, and the creation of individual support plans and personal development statements. At the completion of phase one of the PEA, participants will “have a better understanding of self-identify, cultural awareness, and improved self-esteem.” 

Phase two of the PEA will help participants establish a professional development plan with their assigned mentor. Activities will include soft skills training, financial literacy, resume and cover letting writing, professional profile and network building, time management strategies, social media skills and etiquette, employment and college application assistance, and the establishment of a FOREX trading account.

The deadline to apply for Project Restore MN’s Project Empowerment Academy is this coming Friday, July 31, 2020. If you are interested and are:

  • Between the ages of 18-24 
  • A resident of Ramsey County
  • And, identify as ADOS/BLACK… 

Then, please contact Elijah Norris-Holliday via email at or by phone at 651-734-3163

For more details on the Project Empowerment Academy, please see their project overview below or visit them online at


PEA Program Overview:

PEA will divide the sixteen-week program into two eight week phases; phase one will for focus on personal development consisting of ADOS history course, trauma healing circles, professional mental health care from licensed practitioners specializing in trauma services; self-regulation counseling activities, create individual support plans, facilitate workshops on emotion-focused coping strategies; participants will draft personal development statements detailing participants short term needs and long term needs, and we will establish a mentorship program that will be participant-specific. At the duration of phase one, students will have a better understanding of self-identity, cultural awareness, and improve self-esteem. Participants will take one week off to process and reflect on the first phase.

Phase two of the program will be concentrating on professional development. Phase two programming comprises; baseline assessments, establishing professional development plans with mentors, who will be responsible for tracking the progress of each mentee throughout the program, and through their transition from youth to adulthood. PEA will provide training for professional mannerism on zoom interviews and meetings, social media etiquette, resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile building, time management, and goal tracking tips; assistance with filling out college applications, applying for internships, and establishing forex trading accounts. We will be providing each participant with $500 to kick-start their forex trading account, along with a financial literacy crash course.


Upon successful graduation of the Project Empowerment Academy, students will receive acceptance into a college/University or Vocational training program, Job opportunity or internship, or a combination of all of the above. Project Restore MN will ensure this through forming strategic partnerships with Minnesota state colleges and universities, local businesses, and established networks throughout the twin cities metro area. All graduating students will also receive a grant/stipend of $2000, which can be applied; however, they would like as long as it pertains to personal or professional development. Project Restore MN will also set aside additional money to help support community members during their transition. 

Response to COVID-19

COVID-19 research has shown that ADOS people have been the group most impacted by the global pandemic Coronavirus. ADOS youth were vulnerable before COVID-19, and the disparities that exist are being exacerbated due to the impacts of COVID-19. PEA will address issues of food insecurity, job loss, and the closure of many summer and fall programs that serve ADOS youth throughout Ramsey County.  PEA is an entirely new program that is designed to educate, train, and support ADOS youth adjusting to online distance learning, online job interviews, virtual college/university-tours, and unaddressed trauma associated with COVID-19.

Timeline Overview: Project Empower ADOS(PEA)

Phase 1 - Personal Development:

Week 1:

Introductions/Baseline assessment/ Program overview.

Week 2:

ADOS history/ trauma healing circles/ Professional Mental healthcare.

Week 3:

ADOS history/ trauma healing circles/ Professional Mental healthcare.

Week 4:

Self-regulation counseling activities/ Personal support plans/ Emotion-focused coping strategies.

Week 5:

Personal development statements/short term needs/ long term needs.

Week 6:

Mentor match-up/ Mentor/mentee development plans-expectations.

Week 7:

Mentor match-up/ Mentor/mentee development plans-expectations.

Week 8:

Mentor match-up/ Mentor/mentee development plans-expectations/personal, professional development plan.


Phase 2 - Professional Development

Week 1:

Introductions/Baseline assessment/ personal, professional development plan.

Week 2:

 Professionalism basics/ Professional Attire/ workplace Mannerism.

Week 3:

Social Media Etiquette: How to use LinkedIn, Facebook, And other platforms to market skills and leverage relationships/ Networking in the COVID-19 environment.

Week 4:

Resume/Cover letter/ Internships/ Volunteering opportunities.

Week 5:

Time management/ establishing routines/ Goal tracker/ personal accountability plans.

Week 6:

College Applications/Job applications/ Entrepreneurship training/ Job opportunities.

Week 7:

College Applications/Job applications/ Entrepreneurship training/ Job opportunities.

Week 8:

College Applications/Job applications/ Entrepreneurship training/ Job opportunities.

Our Impact in 2023

  • Households Received Energy Assistance


  • Children Enrolled in Head Start & Early Head Start


  • Households Prevented from Losing their Homes


  • Active Volunteers


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