“This is probably the single most impactful modernization action that the state has taken that impacts residents and line staff.”
—County Employee
“Thank you for the application process not being confusing and frustrating! Because we’re in crazy times and that’s hard enough to deal with.”
—MNbenefits User
In early November, the Minnesota Department Human Services (DHS) announced that its 16-county pilot program, MNbenefits, would be accessible to the entire state sometime beginning in early 2022. However, as it turns out, the new MNbenefits application process is now online and available to residents of all Minnesota counties and tribal nations. Replacing DHS’s former application system ApplyMN, MNbenefits is a streamlined and enhanced network that enables Minnesotans to apply for quickly and simultaneously as many as nine public assistance programs through a single application. The programs that can be applied for through MNbenefits are:
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Emergency Assistance (EA)
- Housing Support
- Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
- Diversionary Work Program (DWP)
- General Assistance (GA)
- Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)
- Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA)
- Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
Regarding the need for a new process, DHS Commissioner Jodi Harpstead explains, “The last thing Minnesotans facing life’s challenges need is a cumbersome, bureaucratic process to navigate. MNbenefits will help people in need get the important services they are eligible for more quickly.” Already, more than 100,000 residents, representing 83 of 87 Minnesota counties and all three Tribal Nation service agencies have utilized MNbenefits to apply for cash assistance programs. MNbenefits is currently available in both English and Spanish, but more languages are scheduled to come online soon. For additional information on MNbenefits, please visit the DHS Integrated Service Delivery webpage. And to apply for assistance through MNbenefits, click here.