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Working Together: The Archives

May Is Older Americans Month

As the month nears its end, it is still important to remember that May is Older Americans Month (OAM). Established in May of 1963 as “Senior Citizens Month,” this year marks the 50th annual celebration of OAM. The White House proclamation of OAM for 2022 states, in part, “Let us pay tribute to the seniors who raised and guided us throughout our lives, and let us renew our commitment to honoring their contributions by giving them the fullest care, support, and respect they deserve.”

The Administration for Community Living (ACL), the agency that leads this national observation each year, set the theme for OAM 2022, “Age My Way”, which they declare “an opportunity for all of us to explore the many ways older adults can remain in and be involved with their communities.” Programs such as the AmeriCorps Seniors’ Foster Grandparent Program, which was born out of the Community Action Movement, is just one of the ways that older Americans remain involved in their community and help make an enduring difference in the lives of our youngest citizens.

And, through Community Action agencies such as ours, the Energy Assistance Program, crisis intervention initiatives, and other services, are critical to helping many older Americans maintain an independent living situation and stay safe and warm in their homes. For more information about the history OAM and how to support older Americans in your community all year long, please visit the Older Americans Month webpage. This site also provides links to resources that provide care and seek justice for our elders. And, for more about our Energy Assistance Program and related services, including details on when the 2022–23 heating season will start, please call us at 651-645-6470, send an email to, or visit our Energy Assistance Webpage.

Our Impact in 2023

  • Households Received Energy Assistance


  • Children Enrolled in Head Start & Early Head Start


  • Households Prevented from Losing their Homes


  • Active Volunteers


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