There is still time to for students to register for Minnesota’s “Kids Deserve a Shot” program
Last month, the “Kids Deserve a Shot” vaccine incentive program began awarding $100,000 college scholarships to Minnesota students between the ages of 12 and 17 years-old that have completed their two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series. There are a total of five $100,000 scholarship awards, the third of which will be drawn for today, Friday, December 3, 2021.
The final two scholarship drawings will be held on Friday, December 10, 2021, and Friday, December 17, 2021. To be eligible for either of these drawings, which are conducted by the Minnesota State Lottery, students 12 to 17 that have completed their two-dose vaccine series must register the Monday before (December 6 and December 13, respectively). However, you only have to register once to be eligible for the remaining drawings. In other words, those that register by Monday, December 6, are eligible for the final two drawings (as our any of the students that previously registered for one of the first three scholarship awards).
The impetus for the “Kids Deserve a Shot” program, according to Govern Tim Walz, is to “reward teens for doing their part in getting fully vaccinated and keeping our schools, community, and state safe.” The winners will be able to use their scholarship to attend any public or private non-profit college or university in the State of Minnesota. In addition, each Friday when a $100,000 scholarship winner is announced, other prizes will be awarded to students including several game day experiences (Vikings, Wild, Timberwolves, Twins, University of Minnesota Athletics) as well as other experiences at entertainment venues such as First Avenue, The Armory, and the Minnesota Zoo. And finally, those students 12 to 17 that completed their two-dose vaccine series between October 18, 2021, and November 30, 2021, will automatically receive a $200 Visa Gift Card.
For complete details on the “Kids Deserve a Shot” program, including official contest rules and how to register, please click here. This information is available in Hmong, Somali, and Spanish.