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Working Together: The Archives

Minnesota Creates App for People to Access Immunization Records

Earlier this month, the State of Minnesota launched a new online application to help residents quickly access their immunization records. In 2021, tens of thousands of Minnesotans have requested their vaccination records with nearly two-thirds of those request coming since July 1, further inundating an already strained system. 

Although officials state that the Docket app is not a precursor to a “COVID-19 vaccine passport,” it will assist residents in verifying their vaccination status as more and more employers are asking for proof of vaccination from their employees. In addition, several businesses including entertainment venues and some restaurants are requiring proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test results before patrons can enter their facilities. And, having access to these records on a smart phone is, for many, and easier alternative than carrying around their COVID-19 vaccination card. 

Moreover, this app provides additional value in ensuring the health and wellness of Minnesota children and families. Kristen Ehresmann, Director of Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control with the Minnesota Department of Health, notes that Docket: 

“… gives Minnesotans a digital option to access their immunization history, check what vaccines you or your children may be due for, and see what vaccines you may need in the future. This is vital to making sure people are protected from preventable diseases."

The Docket app is available in both Android and Apple formats. For more information and to sign up, please visit them online or download Docket from the App Store.

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